Cómo remover powered by Phoca Download en Joomla 3

El diseño de un buen sitio web no debería contener enlaces directos que lo redireccionen a otro sitio, sitio web bien construído debe cuidarse de estas prácticas:

Caution:BACKUP! BACKUP! BACKUP! before proceeding. Always backup you site beofre making any hacks.Always respect the copyright and see if you can leave the credits of the developer since they have provided component / module to you for free.

Note: The default code editor of your host may some times hide the code. Use your system’s default notepad or Notepad++ to edit the files menioned in this article.

You will need to edit two files and make a minor change to remove «Powered by Phoca Download» link from your Joomla site. Go to the file system of your Joomla insallation.

Edit the «renderfront.php» file from the following location:
/ administrator / components / com_phocadownload / libraries / phocadownload / render /

Locate the following block of code [should be around line 41]:

public static function renderPhocaDownload() {
return '
.'wered by Phoca Down'.'load


Now replace the code with the following and save the file:

public static function renderPhocaDownload() {
return '
.'wered by Phoca Down'.'load


Edit «utils.php» file from the following location:
/ administrator / components / com_phocadownload / libraries / phocadownload / utils /

Locate the following block of code [should be around line 12]

public static function footer() {
echo '
Powe'.'red b'.'y Pho'
.'ca Downl'.'oad


Now replace the code with he following and save the file

public static function footer() {
/* echo '
Powe'.'red b'.'y Pho'
.'ca Downl'.'oad

'; */

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